
護家中心 – 周紅



記得二十年前,當我的婚姻發生悲劇時,我兒子才一歲半。一位姐妹對我說:“感謝主,你中獎了!”。那時,我一點也不明白她在講什麼。我以為她在跟我開玩笑呢!可是,從她堅定的語調和誠實的表情,我能體會到她的真誠。我發现每當她經歷困境時,她總會感恩。一次,她的汽車在家門前拋錨,她感恩地對我講:“神真奇妙,不早不晚,就在那個時刻,神差派鄰居回家,發現我需要幫忙,就成為我的天使。” 她講得興奮極了。除了感恩以外,從她的話語中,聽不到一點負面的音調和別的想法。我很好奇。心想:“為什麼她沒有埋怨、生氣、難過呢?甚至,她的口氣和表情卻常常是帶著幽默感”。這十多年來,這位姐妹成為了我的榜樣。我決定向她學習。並且,願意操練將我的心思轉向神,不斷感恩。越操練,我越發現,每天我都有好多可以感恩的事呀!譬如:清晨醒來,就可以為神賜給我們新的生命氣息來感恩;為我們的身體可以正常的運作;可以吃喝、開車接送孩子上下學、上班、購物、做飯、洗漱、做家事等來感謝神。


作為單親,為我能承擔父母親雙重責任來感謝神;為在挑戰的單親生活中,鍛煉提升自己的情緒、時間、金錢管理的能力來感謝神;為能成為孩子的老師、教練、朋友和榜樣來感謝神。更在困境時,不看難處,能將心思意念定,睛在正面和盼望上來感謝神。用感恩禱告的心態來度過每一刻,以提升全心依賴神的信心來感謝神。的確,靠著上帝的恩典,每當度過困境後,我心裏感到無比甜美。深知,神的剛強在我的軟弱上彰顯。 我就更感恩了!


今天,我的孩子已近21 歲了。 他得以健康喜樂地在大學裡成長,完全是神的恩典。我想起那位姐妹說我“中獎”是沒錯。苦難是化妝的祝福。因著過去的破碎,重建了我的生命。這更是極大的恩典和祝福!



Offer a Grateful Heart                                               Ann Zhou

Thanksgiving is near. Do single moms have things to be thankful? In fact, single moms have many to be thankful, not only on Thanksgiving but always! Ten years being a single mom, I experienced many hurdles in my life. Fortunately, when I have thankful thoughts, I regain the power to live on. Twenty years ago, when my marriage was shattered, my son was only 1.5 years old. A sister comforted me by saying: “Thank God, you hit the jackpot!” I did not understand her remark and thought she was joking with me! However, from her firm tone and honest expression, I felt her sincerity. She was always grateful even facing adversities. One time, her car broke down outside her house. She was still grateful when recounting the incident to me, “God is really wonderful. Just as I needed help, He sent a neighbor to fix my car, like sending me an angel!” She never had negative reaction to anything. I wondered: “Why doesn’t she complain, get angry or sad ever? It appears that she always handles life with a sense of humor.” For the last decade, this sister became my role model. I decided to learn from her. I am willing to give up my thoughts to God by constantly giving thanks. The more I let go, the more thankful I am! Thank God for a new breath of life as I wake up; give me health, food and all my needs; drive safely to take my son to school, to work; even do daily shopping, cooking, washing, housework, etc. Thank the Lord! As a single parent, I am thankful that I can assume the dual responsibilities of both father and mother. I overcome life challenges imposing disciplines to manage emotion, time, and money. I have become a teacher, a coach, and even a friend to my son. When dealing with predicaments, thank God that I do not drill on the obstacles but rather I open my mind and eyes to God for hope. I always submit thanksgiving prayers which reinforce my faith to rely on God. Indeed, whenever I pull through from a dilemma, the grace of God makes me feel so content. I am so grateful that my weakness is protected by the mighty God.

Today, my son is almost 21, healthy and joyful, attending college. Recalling the “winning a jackpot” comment by that sister years ago, somehow it seems to make sense. Suffering is blessing in disguise. I actually rebuilt my life after a broken marriage. This is entirely God’s grace and blessing! I have been serving in Heralds for eight years, a true reflection of God’s grace. I am so thankful.



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