感恩 »
堅固健康家庭,實現神國宣教 護家中心–周紅
1)自身必須有一顆渴慕且謙卑受教的心 ; 2)不指望改變別人或幫助別人解決他的問題,只專注努力改變自己先健康; 3)必須尋找健康且受過專業訓練的人士陪伴; 4)注意只說正面、有盼望、和祝福的話語,謹記:一句氣話能摧毀家庭關係; 5)當家庭關係出現危機時,不與家人爭鬥,要帶著寬恕恩慈為對方祝福禱告。這就是強而有力、且有果效、真實得勝重建的秘訣。
個人的身、心、靈和家庭關係的健康是神國宣教必不可少的條件。為了使更多渴慕健康的破碎心靈得到真正重建,護家中心除了提供促進健康家庭關係的免費社區教育講座;亦有課堂式的群體醫治,主題有《原生家庭的探討》、《建立健康的人際關係》、《情緒管理》、《自我形象》;及每年一次的《生命重建營會》;和專業的個別協談輔導。透過這些有系統的服務, 能讓學員自我省察,是幫助傷痛者走出陰霾最有效的醫治。
2016年一月至三月,護家中心舉辦了幾項大型活動:46人參加了第十二屆《生命重建營》。另外,8周的系列課程,在午間的《原生家庭的探討》,和晚間的《建立健康的人際關系》,共16 堂課,35人參加。結業時,學員非常興奮地分享:
Rebuilding after the breakdown in family relationships
— Strong healthy family as designed in God’s kingdom HFRC – Ann Zhou
HFRC is dedicated to help rebuilding family relationship after breakdown.
In the past nine years, we have accompanied many broken hearts, regardless of gender, age, or marital status. Among the most hurt soul, those who seek to be healthy went through painful process but gradually regain hope in life, and in turn become a blessing to others. But those who are too stubborn to let go of their bitter past would always be at lost. They suffer not only their own health in a normal life but possibly become a liability to the community and bad influence to their next generation. When missionaries and pastoral leaders are under tremendous pressure, they might suffer emotional breakdown and unhappy family.
So what is the secret to receive true rebuilding?
1) One must be humble to learn; 2) do not expect to change others but first focus on trying to change oneself; 3) get a trained person to accompany you; 4) speak with positive words of hope and blessing since angry words can destroy family relationships; 5) when family is in crisis, do not just blame, but pray for each other to forgive with grace. These principles are powerful as well as effective for healing and rebuilding.
HFRC promotes healthy family relationships by offering free community family-related seminars, providing interpersonal growth groups with topics such as “Family of Origin”, “Boundaries”, “Emotional Management”, and “Self-esteem.” Also offered is the annual event of “Life Rebuilding Retreat”, and individual lay-counseling. These services are designed to help participants to perform self-assessment in order to restore mind back to a healthy state.
In 2016, HFRC already held a few activities. 46 people attended the 12th “Life Rebuilding Retreat.” In the 8-week courses of “Family of Origin” (noon), and “Building Healthy Relationships” (evening), a total of 16 classes with 35 participated. Some feedbacks below:
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