« 與五歲女兒談婚姻
護家中心 – 楊蕙
今天是2015年一月最後的一天。 今年的十二分之一就這樣匆匆的過去。 明確地說, 2015年一月巳成歷史了。 在這新年的一月份中,我學到了什麼?時間是寶貴的, 我可曾認真地活得有意義,假如這是我在世上的最後一天?
我在一月二十日夜晚到達台北。 過去的十天,我進出醫院數次。 感謝神,倒不是我病重(至少表面看起來,我還算好), 只是正常的體檢。 可是我在醫院裡看到許多病人,有的坐輪椅,有的剛從手術室被推出來。 我去探望一位幾個月前中風的長輩。 目前住在需要別人照顧的療養院。 她已無法自理了。 幾天前,又得知一位三十一歲,受過高等教育的白領階級男士,不抽菸,不喝酒,定時運動,卻患了末期的皮膚癌… 這些事,再次提醒我,時間和生命的寶貴。 我迫切地希望和你分享我此刻的體會: 讓我們彼此相愛,特別是去愛那些曾傷害過我們的人。 那確實是非常難做到的。 我曾經試圖努力去做,卻不很成功, 因單靠著我的意志幾乎是不可能。 但當我信靠耶穌基督, 承認自己的錯過; 並願意被祂改變時,我才慢慢能夠去愛。 我還學會了其他幾件事: 不再求神去改變別人,而是請求神先改變我,使我更像祂。
顯然我們的神是全能的、慈愛的; 祂保護我們。 當我們按祂的旨意去求時,祂就幫助我們。在今日嘈雜忙碌的環境中,有時祂的聲音是細小輕柔的, 要專心聆聽祂的聲音。 我仍然有許多軟弱(如驕傲、批評、論斷等)。 唯有神能夠改變我。 當我謙卑願意讓神掌管我的任何光景,自然學到凡事都有感恩的心。 懂得珍惜一些小事—-如我還能看、聽、走、吃東西、呼吸、聞到花香。 有時我在附近河邊散步,嗅到大自然中花和樹散發出的香氣,就感謝全能者的創造,和多年前種樹的人。
2015 January’s Reflection HFRC – Lilly
Today is the last day of January of 2015. One-twelve of this year is gone by quickly. To be exact, January 2015 is history!
What have I learned in January of 2015? Time is precious. Have I lived fully as if this was my last day on earth?
I arrived in Taipei the night of January 20th. In past ten days, I was in and out of hospitals many times. Thank God, it was not because I was sick (at least I feel fine on the outside). I went there for routine physical checkup. While inside the hospital, I saw many sick patients. Some were in wheel chairs; some were just rolled out from surgery room. I also visited one of my elderly relative who had a stroke a few months ago, currently residing in a fairly good assisted living nursing home. She was unable to take care of herself any longer. Just a few days ago, I learned that a highly educated, successful, young professional man who is only 31 year old was diagnosed of a serious skin cancer. All these events remind me again that time and life is precious. Have I lived meaningfully as if this was my last day on earth? I would like to share with you my thoughts: Let us love one another, even those who we think they have wronged us. I know it is very difficult…easier said than done. I have tried hard on doing it, but it is almost impossible to do it by our own will. Only after I continue to learn how to trust and obey Jesus Christ, I am gradually able to admit my wrong doing and submit myself to be changed by Him.
I learned a few other things: Stop praying to God to change others. Instead, pray to God to first change me to be more like Him.
Surely our God is almighty and loving. He watches over us and helps us whenever we ask Him accordingly to His wills. Listen attentively to His voices which sometimes could be very soft and gentle hidden in our busy and noisy surroundings.
I still have many weaknesses (i.e. prideful, critical, judgmental) that can only be transformed by God, if I am humble and willing to follow Him. Give thanks on everything, regardless of any circumstances.
Appreciate the smallest things such as: I can still see, listen, walk, swallow food, breathe, and smell flowers. Sometimes I walk along a river where trees permeate natural fragrances. It inspires me to give thanks to the Almighty Creator and those who planted the trees years ago.
Have a great February of 2015! Live to your fullest with what you have now.
Blessings to you and your family for upcoming Chinese New Year of Goat!
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